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Renewable energies come to Cherbourg

François Hollande has launched a project to set up marine turbines off the coast of

Normandy and Finistere. These marine turbines will be able to produce 1 MGW/h and it will be sold a to EDF 173 €.


We have done an interview at school.


First, Mme Vita, a french teacher.


Journalist : Do you think this renewable energy will be able to replace the Nuclear power?


Mrs Vita : «  Why not but it's desirable because we known that nuclear presents a real danger and it's an energy that for the moment we don't really find means to replace but if we can do this, I think it's really desirable.


Journalist : Are you for this project ?


Mrs Vita : In my opinion, I'm for.


J : Do you think these marine turbines will degrade maritime environment ?


Mrs Vita : I think we can trust in scientists so that the maritime fauna is not degraded.


After, we have interviewed Mrs Médernach.



J : Do you think this renewable energy will be able to replace the nuclear power ?


Mrs Médernach : Replace maybe not but it is a “clean” energy like we said and it will have to be exploited.


Journalist : Are you for this project ?


Mrs Médernach : Yes.


J : Do you think this hydroliens will degrade maritime environment ?


Mrs Médernach : I think like lots of exterior elements with specific materials it's going to have an incidence but maybe well-controlled it will make less damage than the nuclear risk.


Finally, we have interviewed Dylan.


J : Do you think these marine turbines will degrade maritime environment ?


Dylan : Yes and No because for the moment it's not done yet and it takes a long time to do it. I don't think it will replace the nuclear power.


Journalist : Are you for this project ?


Dylan : I have reserves about it. We will see how it will be.


J : Do you think this hydroliens will degrade maritime environment ?


Dylan : Like all installations I think, as much as the nuclear power. The nuclear power is harmful on earth and in the sea and marine turbines too.


                                                               Ropers Valentin, Éloi Hamel & Geoffrey Sambuchi




































































































































Where do the people from Cherbourg go on holidays?


On Tuesday, November 26th, we interviewed an employee of Thomas Cook, a travel agency in Cherbourg, about the customers' travelling habits.


Click here to listen to our interview.


                                                                      Maud Grenier, Margaux Jardin, Elodie Lamour and Juliette Gouhier

The tourism in Cherbourg

We went to the tourism office in Cherbourg. We asked some questions about tourism in Cherbourg.


  1. How many tourists come in Cherbourg ? Last year 21891 tourists came to Cherbourg (17011 French visitors,     4480 foreigner visitors (2214 came from Great Britain, 703 from USA, 423 from Spain, 392 from Germany, 260 from Blegium, 153 from Netherland, 99 from Ireland, 353 other countries) This year, we have registered 24038 visitors from January to the end of November.


  2. What are your advices to visit Cherbourg?

We inform our visitors that they could go to La Cité de La Mer, The Liberation Museum, The Botanical garden and greenhouses Emmanuel Liais, The Archeologic and ethnographis Museum Emmanuel Liais, The historic town centre, and from april to September they could take the touristic train to visit the centre, and they could make a boat trip to visit the harbor of Cherbourg.


    3. Who are the VIP’s who came in Cherbourg?

Charlie Chaplin, Edouard Burton and Liz Taylor, Catherine Deneuve, Pierre Richard, Richard Berry, Dave, Christian, Christian Clavier….


    4. Where can you eat a good food for a cheapest price?

In Cherbourg centre : Le Petit Parapluie, Le Café Pompon, L’Antidote, Fifties dinner…

    5. What restaurants can speak English ?

Nearly all restaurants can speak in Cherbourg


    6.What do you say to tourists when they ask “Where should I go?”

If tourists want to stay in Cherbourg, we advice them to visit place of interest (Cité de la Mer, Liberation Museum….). If they stay in the region few days, we advice them to go the the Cotentin peninsula to see La Hague, and Le Val de Saire, Utah Beach, Barneville-Carteret, Valognes, the Carentan Marshlands….


    7. The budget to welcome Tourist :

About 60000 € are spent for advertising – brochures…


8.How many cruises will come to Cherbourg next year?

29 cruises are foreseen next year.


9. To work in the Tourist Office, you have to know your region, to must speak English and even Spanish or German, you have to be polite, serious, available because we work on Saturdays and Sundays (Sunday during Holidays).

Studies requested : BTS Tourisme or Languages studie


Delacotte Aurélien, Mesnage Maëva, Ropers Valentin

Questions about Christmas decorations in Cherbourg



-What is the energy for the decorations each year?

It was 727 000 Watts in 2006, it's 63 000 Watts this year.


-Are the decorations the same as last year?

We change lightbulbs by Leds because it's more ecologic


How long is the illumination of the decorations?

The streets are illuminated from 6th december to 6th january.


-Is there a precise date for the installation?

We have started on 15th october this year


-How many persons works on it?

three staff crews composed of three persons work on it.


-Is there something new about the decorations?

There were 108 new decorations, so there are 455 decorations this year



Interview by Mathieu Dorey, Eloi Hamel and Arthur Beurton


On the 26th of November, we went to the art library of Cherbourg-Octeville. We interviewed the 2 employees of the artotheque : Véronique and Dominique.


The art library of Cherbourg-Octeville was created in 1983. The works of arts, comics generally, were bought in a lot of places like in the artist's place, like gallery, like auction. Because the artotheque is a municipal service so they can't buy on internet. They have 2 budgets : One for exhibitions and the second one (5000€/year) for purchase the works of art.


There are 1500 works of art to borrow but much more are archived. Sometimes, the works of art are not returned, lost, or damaged. Schools can borrow 6 works of art for 2 months, but schools need a subscription for a year.


To prepare an exhibition, they must choose an artist 4-6 years before. The first exhibition, Enki Bilal, was created in 2002, and they needed 12 years to prepare it. So that the artists agree, it is necessary they find an interest in the project.


The next exhibition will be on an anglo-saxon author and it will start in 2015.


By Julien Jouan and Geoffrey Sambuchi


A visit to the Arthoteque

School work placement


In third grade, all the pupils have to do a school work placement, in this they can discover jobs. We have asked 4 pupils about their school work placement, before and after it.


Aurélien did his school work placement in a garage in Cherbourg. He wants to be a mechanic later. He thinks the school work placement is a good thing because he can discover the job.
We have asked what he thinks about his placement, he says « it was very good, I did many things like car emptyness and change tyreS. I have always wanted to do this job. »


Arthur went in a computer technology company to repair computers. He said « it's interesting to know what we will do later ». After his school work placement, he said «  I liked unset computers but the download were long. » he doesn't want to do this job later.

Valentin discovered the laboratory of the hospital Pasteur. After, he thinks « the school work placement was too short » he says later, he wants to become a surgeon, and his school work placement encourages him to continue.

Mathilde did his school work placement in a toy shop in La Glacerie and she loved it. She wants to be a salesperson later.




Elodie Lamour & Juliette  Gouhier

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